I work CW. On average I make 50-70 QSOs per day. Sometimes more, sometimes none at all. I love the telegraph. I'll try SSB later. But after the stroke, my speech is very slow. Tolerate my vote if that. Not sure if I'm interested in FT8. But maybe I'll try later.

Icom IC-7300 (~80w output)

- 2 el for 5 bands Quad. Mast 12mh.
- 4 el for 6m Quad. Mast 6mh.
- Vertical 20m long for 160/80m bands. Sometimes it works. Huge noise.
- Vertical DeltaLoop for 40m band

Soft and Logbook: DX4WIN, N1MM.

PHOTOs ComiNg Soon

Tomorrow or later.


A warning for the not so faint-hearted.

     Everything posted on this site is written by me, with my own hands, with my thoughts and about me. Thus, I do not object to the theft (borrowing) of the text, pulling it apart into quotes, re-telling my jokes to your friends, misrepresenting what you have read and interpreting it in other words. In case you need it. All photos are either taken by me personally or of me on my request, if I am in the photo. I absolutely do not mind if you purloin the photos from the site. Well, do you have to? In general, I impose no sanctions for content theft/borrowing. What else can I say? ... Oh, yes - send money. Please do! God bless the “Google Translate”.